Thursday, July 30, 2020

How Do I Know If He Is Talking To Someone?

If you are interested in someone there are a few things you should do.

First introduce yourself to said person

Then chat with them. If they are also interested they will be receptive of this.

If during step one or two they have not brought up the subject. Ask them if they are free to meet up. At that point they generally will let you know if they are available.

If you have gotten this far you should have determined that by agreeing to go out they are not in a relationship.

This is where it gets tricky, if you have not yet established a relationship you are both still able to talk to whoever you want. So by looking into his life to find out who he “talks” to is borderline creepy stalker behavior.

Instead after a few dates based on how they go you will get to a point naturally that you will want to let him know if you are happy with how things are going. You can inquire if he feels the same and if he is ready to give this a chance. You can confirm if he is at a point that he is no longer dating anyone else.

Then after both parties have given understanding of what your status is you can if needed ask him if he is talking to someone else.

The only way to get answers about what someone is thinking or doing is to ask them directly. Any other method is probably going to give you bad answers or classify you as a crazy stalker. It's not a good way to start a relationship and not a good way to keep one.

How To Prevent Being The Creepy Guy

You don't. Take some time to review your question and find all the ways this short sentence has identified you as a creepy potentially stalker type person.

If this girl doesn't know you, how did you get her number? Not too many answers to this question are going to give anyone the warm fuzzies about you.

You will never meet. The definition of a catfish situation.

Take the whole thing and it writes like a what not to do when you are trying to meet girls. I honestly wish they would make that a must read for many people out there.

Lastly why would you want to waste her time in contacting her with no invitation just to say you will never meet. That seems a little borderline harassment like.

Overall two thumbs down on this idea. It's not a good look.

Why Doesn't Anyone Want Me On Tinder?

It's possible you have met all the matches available in your area. I mean your definition of many and mine may be different. But there are only so many people in any one location.

Of course another theory could be if you have matched with many people the word has gotten out. They may have let everyone know. I mean who wants to match with someone who has had many already.

The other theory is when you reset your account and it would then have a different registration number. They may think your a catfish.

Or maybe your bio isn't as funny as you think.

At the end of the day though it's hard to tell why people decide to chat with someone and why they pass. Try using new pictures and go over your answers. Things change over time and maybe you just need to do some touch ups on what you have said.

Really Men, Is It That Hard?

Well that is a hot question for many couples since the internet became a way of life. It has created many situations that men and women struggle with.

Of course we have this amazing piece of technology. So of course what do we do with it. Fill it up with sexy pictures and porn.

This has changed the way women feel about men looking at females on a regular basis.

Here is what I have never understood about men's struggle with liking pictures of other women on social media. Is many girls explain that they feel uncomfortable with the fact that everyone can see that their man liked another woman's picture.

This really boils down to a respect issue. If you respect your girl, you would not make her feel less then in front of her friends. You wouldn't discount her feelings, even if you disagree. And you would have empathy to her feelings because if the issue was switched most men would not like to their girl liking random men's pictures.

So although I wouldn't say it is cheating, if your girl has asked you not to, and you do it. It's a betrayal. Which now puts your relationship in jeopardy because we believe one betrayal is going to lead to more.

So if your girl doesn't like it, why is it so important to do it? What drives you to possibly hurt your girls feeling just to look and like a picture?


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

VA Disability Questions

What percentage does a veteran get for PTSD?
The percentage is different for each veteran. The veteran has to be evaluated by a VA psychologist. After evaluation then the doctor’s notes of your evaluation goes to a rating and evaluation person at Compensation and Pension (C&P) office. They then give a determination on the percentage and send you written notification via mail. If you are not happy with the percentage then you can appeal.

I am not sure of the time line on any of this now. When I first submitted a claim in 2004 it took about three months and all my injuries came back as 0% but all service connected. So I had to submit an appeal and it took almost two years for them to finally give me more than 0% on any of my claims. They all totaled up to 60% for about 15 different injuries. In 2015 at the insistence of my VA Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) doctors I resubmitted for another appeal based on their new notes and it finally went to 100%. The percentage scheme/formula that VA uses is very complicated and using their formula 10%+10% does not equal 20%. Before I put in for another evaluation in 2015 all my disabilities added up to over 220% but with their formula it was only 60%. The new notes from the TBI doctors gave it justification for 100%.

I recommend using one of the Veteran’s Service Organizations like DAV, VFW, American Legion or the Military Order of the Purple Heart. I used DAV the first time that gave me the 0% rating in 2004. I did my own appeal in 2004 and that took the two years. In 2015 I used the American Legion and it took two months. So for me the American Legion worked the best but the choice is yours. As I said I am not sure of the time line now but I heard it has improved. Good luck!

Originally Posted At Quora

How Can I Spy On My Husband's Skype Account?

When you ask “can you find out who he talks with" I'm going to assume you are not asking the members of the site to do that.

If your asking if it's something you can do, I think it's highly likely.

There is a very easy way to go about finding out who your husband talks with. You simply ask him directly. I guess if you had doubts you could go a step further and ask him to see his phone.

Any other option, like trying to sign into his account etc. Is really going to be detrimental to your marriage. And is going to be a habit you don't want in your life.

If you have issues in your marriage that lead to believe you are unable to communicate with your husband or that he is doing unacceptable things you need couples counseling not his phone records 

Originally Posted On Quora //

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How do I get started with Patreon?

In order to use Patreon as a creator you will need to make an account. In the process of making the account it walks you through filling out your profile and setting up your membership options. Once you have completed making your account it will prompt you to create your first post.

The site has instructions if you get lost and customer support if you need help.

It is a very simple process much like the first time you create an account in social or here at quora.

I do believe you have to be 18 in order to be a creator and you have to provide information for payment that also confirms your age.

If you have gone through the whole set up process and are not able to post or lost you really should reach out to Patreon. They provide the platform and keep a percent of what you make. So you are basically paying them for support when you need it.

Besides if there is an error with your account they are going to be the ones best suited to correct it.