Thursday, July 30, 2020

Really Men, Is It That Hard?

Well that is a hot question for many couples since the internet became a way of life. It has created many situations that men and women struggle with.

Of course we have this amazing piece of technology. So of course what do we do with it. Fill it up with sexy pictures and porn.

This has changed the way women feel about men looking at females on a regular basis.

Here is what I have never understood about men's struggle with liking pictures of other women on social media. Is many girls explain that they feel uncomfortable with the fact that everyone can see that their man liked another woman's picture.

This really boils down to a respect issue. If you respect your girl, you would not make her feel less then in front of her friends. You wouldn't discount her feelings, even if you disagree. And you would have empathy to her feelings because if the issue was switched most men would not like to their girl liking random men's pictures.

So although I wouldn't say it is cheating, if your girl has asked you not to, and you do it. It's a betrayal. Which now puts your relationship in jeopardy because we believe one betrayal is going to lead to more.

So if your girl doesn't like it, why is it so important to do it? What drives you to possibly hurt your girls feeling just to look and like a picture?


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