Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Theory About The Bible


For those who are atheists, what are your thoughts on God, Jesus, Heaven, The Bible, the prophecies and everything else, what causes you to not believe and what reasons can you give that it is all made up?

My opinion is that in history people struggled for answers to explain why things that happened around them occurred. It's been a driving force in humans throughout time. Unfortunately, they did not have the technology we have today to really determine things like storms and why plants grow, etc.

So in the same way many cultures have handled this, they made up stories to explain these things. Fear was a constant in the lives of the people from much of our history. These stories have been mainly crafted to bring out fear in order to keep others from doing things they perceived as dangerous.

It was actually a king who first realized the power of the Bible and how he could make it work for him. And just like Aesop's fables are used to teach lessons to children, the Bible was seen as a tool to control the peasants. It has been effectively used since.

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It hasn't been until our technology was sophisticated enough to explain away many of the things the Bible had explained. Over time as we have become smarter we have lost the need for fables in order to teach us moral behaviors.

In fact, now that we truly think for ourselves the attendance at churches is steadily declining. We will eventually reach a point that our need for these Bible stories to scare people into not sinning will no longer be useful at all.

Even the people from the past realized it was something for the poor and feeble minded. But it was an effective tool to sway the people and keep them inline.

It is still very effective in allowing those who run the churches to basically scam the poor and fearful to give money to them. It has over time been shown to be effective in talking a particular segment of the rich. By playing on their fears of not being a good person and not being allowed int

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o heaven they attempt to buy their way in. The church is all too happy to forgive them anything in exchange for the donation.

To further my point the idea of hell is practically a modern addition to the bible. It was only added to the teaching after a book titled Dante's inferno.

And Just like at other collections of stories it has been added to and parts are taken away over time. Now add in the whole practice of studying the bible to determine the translation. Many churches try to explain what the bible means. Which to me is a black and white issue. Either it's the word of God and should be taken exactly as written, or just a guide of suggestions from our history. I find it amusing when it fluctuates between the two in order to fit the church's desire.

Of course, I have no proof. Just like someone who is a believer has no proof. To me, it comes down to common sense.

Now I'm sure my opinion is not going to be a popular one. I want to clarify I'm answering the question. I don't discuss religion normally and I respect the right of those to believe without harassment. So in no way am I trying to be rude. I'm simply explaining my personal thought on the subject.

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